Monday 11 October 2010


You all know who a vicar is, head of a vicarage.That,s what I am.
You see in  this business of God one has to be always polite, cheerful and happy when sad,Even when you have to smack someone across the head,You cant!For christ sake you are a vicar.
I have to start by telling my position in the diocese, I am the youngest or maybe not,with more feminine attributes.Most people would not dare to speak their minds to the almighty synod.I was getting sick of all the hypocrisy so I spoke up!
The group of old worn out men in our local parochial church committee,were not helping matters.
Oh I felt like screaming,but remember I cant, Vicars are suppose to hear from God,and behave like the Lord himself,so that was what I did,I threw the money changers out of the church,I blew my tops!
Let me describe the nature of the members of the parochial church committee.Believe me, this are my own views and observations,I might be wrong,I am human and I wear a pair of glasses.
Mr Sylavus- One can almost match his name with his attributes, sly,lazy and very porous,cant really stand when a local buys a new watch or shoes,quick to judge,complains at every opportunity,and I dont really thinks he has the mind of his own.I have heard people say he has the mind of his wife,s cookings.
Mr warship- Just join the church few years ago, I heard that he got shot during the burma war,and that affected his reasoning faculty.A slippery character ,never flies striaght and is excessively nervous.
Mr Burustin- I heard that our parish would be the 30th ,he had joined,the story goes that he never stays if he is not appointed treasurer or a committee member.A self rigtheous man that thinks gossip is less a sin compared to smoking.

Hold on guys, You dont expect me to You all their names at once!
Watch and pray! See you guys soon.

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